
Giving birth is an amazing process, designed perfectly by God.  When interfered with, the process doesn't quite unfold the same.

To be short, I think this video clip from The Business of Being Born gives a great overview of why someone would want to avoid interventions to birth as much as possibly.  The whole clip is great but you can start at 1:12 to see a visual of the "domino effect."

So why are these interventions used so casually then?  Medical professionals are taught to "manage" births and feel that they are able to do it best when they are in can't blame them right?  I am somewhat of a control freak myself.  So as a birthing mom, I would like to manage my own birth, thanks. :)  And don't forget that I am fully capable of doing so!

“The knowledge of how to give birth without outside interventions lies deep within each woman. Successful childbirth depends on the acceptance of the process.” ~Suzanne Arms

Here is also a blogpost about the risks of interventions in hospitals. I really admire and rejoice over the moms out there like this blog writer who have recognized the dignity and respect that has been eliminated in so many births and that we need to it take back!  And thank you to the moms who put their precious time into blogging about these things so I don't have to and can link back to them because they are so amazing!

I just have to express again how grateful I am that I have been lead to the people and resources that have helped me learn about childbirth because education when it comes to birth is EVERYTHING in my opinion.  So many women just don't know and sadly all that can really be said is that I am sorry that you trusted your doctor that you technically should have been able to trust.  I did, and now I know.

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