Why this blog...

The purpose of this blog is to inform, inspire, and celebrate the amazing nature or giving birth!  I have written for several different audiences:

1.  For Me:

 This is a place for me to compile the things that I have learned while in the process of making the decision to have a home birth.  I think am like a lot of other people who never thought that they would have a home birth.  I did not decide to have a home birth all of a sudden...rather it was line upon line, here a little and there a little that I read things and talked to people that I eventually made the shift in my mind that this could be for me.  With all the opposition to home birth, initially there were concerns and worries that kept me from such a decision.  Through research...and then every time I come across something new that I question...more research, I have developed the confidence and assurance that this is a desirable path for us.  In the end, it also just has to "feel" right, a confirmation from the Spirit. 

A lot of times, moms-to-be (myself included in regards to my first birth), put their faith in the interventions and doctors to know what to do.  In the end, a woman can end up with a birth experience that is far from what she would like because she put the power in somebody else's hands.  By educating myself, I am taking back the control of my birth.  My body is meant to do this in the first place and I do not need someone to save me from birth or do it for me.  This blog is a way for me to take ownership and know that I am actively making each decision for my birth for a reason.   I am very grateful for the resources, authors, organizations, and individuals out there who advocate and educate on the truths about natural and home birth.  


2.  For my friends and family:

Going in to this decision, I am aware that there are some who may not understand my decision.  Many people are uneducated and/or misinformed about home birth.  In the past, I feel I have landed myself in a lose/lose situation because people either don't ask and continue to have their misconceptions about homebirth, or they do ask and I am unable to give an explanation that adequately portrays how I feel about my choice. My hope is that through this blog I will be able to inform and inspire and un-cloud the "mystery" of natural birth and home birth. There are some main stream ideas in our society that are very widely accepted because it is the norm...but that in and of itself does not make them right or truth. Maybe this will lead you to do some research of your own...please do. 

I love learning and I have come to realize that sometimes with our busy lives, distractions, mainstream media, etc., we fail to take time to actively involve ourselves in the learning process and instead rely on other people to do it for us because it is quicker and easier or we just solely rely on personal experiences without considering that there could be another more superior way.      

For many women it takes a lot of courage to initially make the choice to have a home birth and they do NOT do it to be exotic or gain bragging rights, but rather because they have come to the conclusion that it is the right choice for them based on their life experiences.  Before we judge, we should try to understand.  At the same time, I hope no one else feels like I am judging them.  I believe that every woman has the right to make her own birthing choices.  The real problem is that women are not making those choices for themselves because they are taught by society what is normal or do what their doctor says based on his personal philosophies of childbirth and end up not really knowing ALL of their options and the consequences.  Be educated and then make your choice.  Don't let a traumatic experience be your teacher if you can help it.  
"If you don't know your options, you don't have any." - Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer

3. For those who might be exploring the option of home birth as well:

I understand that only a handful or less of people who might initially read this will fall into this category.  I would not even say that everyone should fall into this category. Like I said, home birth is an "option," and I am not saying that it is right for everyone.  I believe that we are sent to this earth to make choices and so people I hope people can start to see it as an option or possibility if that's something that they would like to learn more about and not just limit themselves to a one size fits all birth. 

Because people oftentimes do get negative feedback for choosing home birth, I believe that it has caused women to talk about it less, thus making it seem less common and more "weird" then it really is.  After doing my own research and experiencing it myself, I have developed a desire to share it so that other women can hopefully be inspired and gain a sense of empowerment as they make their own birthing choices.  

I also have seen that having a support friend when planning a home birth plays a key factor for many women.  Most people say that they talked to extensively to at least one person who had planned a home birth before and that this played a key role in their journey.  There is something about actually talking to and knowing someone who has done it...in addition to reading books and blogs...you are not alone!  Personally have had several home birthing moms support me including my good friends Amelia, Laura, Amber, and Robyn.  I hope that I can be of support to others who would like it.  When you have something amazing...you don't just want to keep it all to yourself...you want to share it!

Fully experiencing birth is a rite of passage that mothers need and it is my hope that women can regain POWER, RESPECT, and the opportunity to fulfill their DESTINIES as giver's of life.  In order to do this, we need to readdress the medical model for maternity and infant care, which is what my blog posts strive to do. 

Read my blog here or click on the different topics on the right hand column.

Read about my births here.  

1 comment:

  1. Me again :) You are probably going to think I am stalking you, but I just discovered your blog so have been perusing all your posts and every one I read I absolutely love! You put all of the mishmash of thoughts I have going around in my head into concise yet eloquent thoughts. When people ask me why I chose a home birth I think I will just have to refer them here because you have said exactly what I wish I could convey!
